While thinking about what to write in my first newsletter of the fall to the Write Your Book community, I found myself thinking about those in this community who are affected by Hurricane Harvey.
I reached out to a few people I knew lived near Houston. How about others? When people join my mailing list, unless they purchase a program or services, I may only know them by first name and email address, with no idea of where people live.
In some ways, the internet brings us all so close. Yet, often, we still write alone. Maybe we connect briefly on social media. Then lose each other again in the changing stream of social media—and whatever Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn chooses to show us in our “stream.”
Yet, we are deeply connected by our words—those we write, those we read, those we share.
When it comes to big losses, however, it’s hard to know what to write or say—especially to people whose lives touch ours at the edges, those we don’t know well.
Perhaps the simplest is letting others know we care, that they are in our prayers and/or thoughts.
And, so, I reach out today saying I am thinking of you. We, as a community are thinking of you. Let us know how you are doing in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and how we can help.