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Write a Self-Help or How-To Book this Summer

writing a how to book by the seaI’m guessing you want to write a self-help book or how-to book that transforms people’s lives.

Your Book Writing Dream

Maybe you’ve been picturing yourself out on your deck, in a hammock, on the beach or in your yard with a lemonade or iced tea or—my favorite—gingerberry kombucha.

You can see yourself writing away in your spiral notebook. It’s almost like taking dictation, the way those words just flow from your favorite pen. Or maybe you’re on an ipad or laptop. That works, too.

It’s your fantasy, after all. And I’ll let you fill in the blanks—where you are, how it feels, what inspires you. In fact, you may want to take a little time for that fantasy when you finish reading this post.

However, before we go into dreamland, I’d also like to give you some solid advice to help you get that self-help or how-to book written this summer.

This summer! Imagine that.

[bctt tweet=”5 Tips to Write a Self-Help or How-To Book this Summer” username=”LisaTener”]

Here are 5 steps I know will help you turn that fantasy into reality:

  1. Schedule the time: That’s right. Put it in your calendar and treat it like a sacred meeting or a hot date. You don’t want to end up like the lovely woman who left her job to write her book, procrastinated for 7 weeks and then got another job in the same industry she had sworn to leave forever! Just put it in your calendar and write when you say you will. Take it a day at a time and you can be the one who didn’t need to leave her day job. Write a little each day (or even a few days a week) and you can have a first draft by the end of summer (especially if you do number 5).
  2. inspired author vision
    Create Your Vision Statement!

    Get in touch with your vision: If you downloaded my free Inspired Author Support Kit, you have some guidance on creating a vision statement. Read your vision statement at least once a day. And if you don’t have one yet, you can get the Inspired Author Support Kit here.

  3. journal for writing a self help book
    A fun journal I found on Etsy

    Make it fun: Think about how you can luxuriate in your book writing endeavor. Can you write out in nature? In a favorite spot? Can you create a little ritual around writing? Buy a new journal? Wear special clothing? By making it fun and playful, you’ll want to keep coming back to it. Plus you’ll start off in a great mood.

  4. Make a commitment: When we commit in some way, we are more likely to follow through. You can commit by taking a course designed to help you write a self-help or how-to book (more about that in a minute), hiring a coach or even finding an accountability partner.
  5. Get expert guidance: Guidance will not only help you get started, it will help you write the right book (the one that matches up with your vision and goals and has a wonderful impact on your readers). Getting guidance from someone who’s been there will also save you lots of time that you might otherwise spend futzing around trying to figure things out on your own. And you’ll likely write a better book when you get a bit of up front guidance.

[bctt tweet=”Summer School for the Independent, Yet Savvy, Writer” username=”LisaTener”]

Is this you?

  • You don’t necessarily need a ton of guidance. You just want to write.
  • Yet, you don’t want to waste your time, either. You want to make sure you’re writing the right book from the get-go.

If so, I have a special opportunity to offer you this summer that will hit your sweet spot. It’s a self-paced program to write your self-help or how-to book. And I’m adding a few extras—at no extra cost—to sweeten the pot and help ensure that you get valuable individual, professional input from the beginning.

Ready? It’s time for Steps 4 and 5: Commitment and Guidance!

I’m offering a special version of my Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks Program (and, yes, you can speed that up to 4 weeks or relax the schedule to make it 10 or 12 or even more—whatever works best for you. It truly is self-paced).

This offer is only available to my blog readers and newsletter subscribers (that’s you!).

You can read all about it in a minute, but I want to be sure I tell you what special bonuses I’m providing this summer when you sign up July 18.

When you buy Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks by midnight on July 18, you will also receive:

  • One hour-long consultation with me to clarify your book concept.
  • A detailed questionnaire to help both of us prepare for the consultation ahead of time.
  • Feedback on 15 pages of writing, along with a customized editing plan based on your writing sample.
  • Feedback on an abbreviated (1-2 page) outline.
  • Feedback on your working title, market and book concept.

This is the first time I am offering all these extras together with Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks, but I wanted to make sure I give you the guidance and support to make your book writing adventure a success this summer.

I want you to end the summer having written a first draft of a truly wonderful self-help or how-to book.


  1. Read all about Inspiration to Author in 8 Weeks here.
  2. Feel free to return to this post as a reminder of the wonderful add-ons you will receive by signing up before midnight on July 18.
  3. Feel free to email me to get your questions answered.
  4. If it’s a fit, commit! Register! Get the guidance you need to complete your amazing book this summer.

Feel free to ask questions as a comment below as well. I look forward to helping you become a successful author.



Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

Reader Interactions


  1. I’ve often thought about writing a book, but I have no writing experience. Are there inspirational self help books I could read as an example? I want to read different ebooks to help me decide what to write about and how to make it fun. Thanks.

    • Hi Annie,
      You might try my Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book Program ($97 for download version). The teachings and exercises help you get clear on your vision and goals, who you want to reach (readers), and more. The early exercises, especially, may inspire more clarity. You can also try this exercise and ask for inspiration: Meet Your Muse. The exercise is free. If you feel it would be helpful to do the exercise in a private consultation with me where we also explore themes, ideas, it would be $200 for a half hour, which is probably all the time you would need. And there’s a questionnaire to work on which would also help you with clarity and help me prepare for our call.

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