I am so proud of these recently published books and their authors! Here’s a bit about each book.
Cough Cures
When Director of the Cleveland Clinic Cough Center, Dr. Gus Ferrer called me to share his book idea for Cough Cures and joined my Bring Your Book to Life Program, I knew he had a winner, because my family had gone through many chronic coughs and we had desperately needed his book many times!
Dr. Gus’s co-author, Burke Lennihan, RN, CCH, is a nurse, expert in homeopathy and author of the Benjamin Franklin and Nautilus Award-winning book Your Natural Medicine Cabinet. They both saw a need for a book on Cough Cures for several reasons:
1. 31 million people suffer from acute respiratory infections and 24 million suffer from chronic bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Even their doctors often don’t know what to advise to help them.
2. Many cough medicines are dangerous, often containing an ingredient so toxic that it is the leading cause of acute liver failure requiring liver transplants. Dr. Gus himself has seen many people come to the emergency room after combining cough and cold meds or overdosing on an over the counter medication!
3. Most people feel overwhelmed when they go into the drug store looking for cough medicines, many of which are proven to be ineffective or even harmful. Dr. Gus saw the need to explain the ingredients to look for and avoid.
4. Dr. Gus’s research–as well as that of others–showed that, often, natural herbal remedies perform far better for many types of coughs than do over the counter meds. He wanted to make this information available to the public.
5. Homeopathic remedies are shown to often be quite effective for coughs. Dr. Gus teamed up with homeopathy expert Burke Lennihan, RN, CCH to provide homeopathic solutions for various types of coughs and symptoms. Order Cough Cures here.

On The Verge
After being what she called a “so-so athlete” Cara Bradley beat her personal best by six seconds–in the final race of her college career.
The sense of calm confidence she experienced and that sense of being in the zone led her on a lifelong quest to repeat this experience “on purpose, every day” in all areas of life.
As an athlete, yoga instructor, mindfulness expert and director of Verge Yoga Center, which offers 100 yoga classes every week in the Philly area, Cara has distilled the program into four practices, strategies and a series of gut-check reminders to move into a state of being fully awake and alive.
You can learn them in her book, On the Verge, just published by New World Library, and you can also order a free “On the Verge” app that supports using the strategies and daily reminders you will learn in the book.
You can also read an interview with Cara Bradley on Mindfulness and Writing a Book on How to Write a Book.
Moving Beyond Betrayal
My copy of Moving Beyond Betrayal just arrived in today’s mail! I think I may have received one of the first copies, since it’s publishing date is May 24. This book offers wise, proven and compassionate advice for partners of sex addicts. It’s always exciting to work with an author who has a powerful, proven solution for a devastating problem.
Vicki Tidwell Palmer‘s compassion and wisdom, as well as expertise, shine on every page. Vicki is my first client to work with Central Recovery Press and I have to say how impressed I’ve been with the team there. The woman who became her acquisitions editor reached out to me on LinkedIn, looking for appropriate submissions, just as Vicki and I were finishing the last round of edits on her book proposal.
Such synchronicities make the work feel magical and miraculous.
A Dance with Hummingbirds
I rarely work with fiction authors, but when Helen Deines first came to me, she felt moved to write a memoir about her romance with her late husband.
When Helen joined my Bring Your Book to Life Program, back when I taught in Narragansett RI, and tentatively read out loud from her first chapter, she had everyone laughing in hysterics.
A Dance with Hummingbirds was magical, and quickly it became clear that the characters and story had a life of their own–and that the book wanted to be novel. I encouraged Helen to work with a colleague of mine with vast experience in editing novels, Stuart Horwitz.
While the book was originally released last fall, it was re-released this March and is briefly available free on Kindle unlimited! I fell in love with these characters and highly recommend it for an absolutely delightful read. Helen has already sold over 1,000 copies!
Perfectly Negative
When Linda Carvelli came to me for help with her memoir, I introduced her to my favorite writing exercise (meet your muse) to help her get clarity and access wisdom and answers from deep within.
And then I introduced her to the brilliant Stuart Horwitz, who became her “book architect,” writing coach and editor.
What a team.
Perfectly Negative will have you crying and laughing and sharing Linda’s triumphs as she struggles with a decade of losses–her mother, her sister, her marriage–and finds strength, courage and love. This book makes a great gift for anyone struggling with loss or who wants to appreciate the preciousness of our lives.
Do you have a question for these authors? A recent read you’d like to share? Let’s hear from you!