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Write it on a Trampoline

book coach lisa tenerDo you think of writing a book as a serious, hard and gargantuan task?

Most people do.

And most people don’t get their books written, even if they get started. It just feels too big. At some point, many people get overwhelmed and stop.

That won’t be you, because you are about to learn a few tips to make your book-writing journey what one emerging author in my Bring Your Book to Life Program called “Easy Breezy.”

Tips to Get Unstuck and Get Your Book Written

One of the best “tricks” is to make writing a book fun.

Another is to intend for ease in the process of writing.

[bctt tweet=”View book-writing as an adventure!”]

In a book concept consultation this week, I led an emerging author in a favorite exercise I call “Meet Your Muse.” We asked her muse how to ensure not just starting–but finishing–her book. Her muse told her, “Keep it light. Have fun.”

When she asked how to make writing fun, her muse told her, “Write it on a Trampoline.” So, she made a note to find a recording device and do just that.

book cover on the verge
Cara Bradley’s just published book, On the Verge, can help you get into that space of spontaneous flow and inspiration.

Now, I’m not suggesting you go out and purchase a trampoline as your next book-writing investment. Instead, I invite you to think about how you can turn your book-writing into more of an adventure, or a playful journey, and enjoy yourself.

  • How can you take off some of the pressure you’ve put in yourself about your book?
  • How can you capture the sense of inspiration you first felt when you decided to write a book?
  • How can you connect with that inner creative spark?

That last question will not only help you make writing fun, it can help your readers enjoy your book. When you connect with that spark, your book can be more spontaneous. You may discover new exercises that will help your readers engage with the material. You may find a way to tell a story that brings the drier information to life. You may discover a new element that makes your book even more wonderful for your readers.

Everyone has their ways of tapping into that creative spark. For me, it’s often through nature, and I love to take a walk before writing. For some people music or movement do the trick. For others, prayer or meditation. Mix it up. Try different things on different days.

Find your spark.

And check out my weekly writing workshop, Get Your Writing Done, for the commitment, support, community, creative space and spirit of playfulness to complete your book, blog posts, scripts, articles, podcast scripts and other writing.

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Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

Reader Interactions


  1. Hi Lisa
    I am an aspiring novelist (much like 75% of the population !) and I have been nursing this same novel for too many years…I just want to clarify. Almost all your testimonials, clients, content seem very relevant for the authors creating scientific, coaching, medical or self help books. How applicable are your courses and programs to fiction writing?

    • Hi Deedee,
      My specialty is nonfiction, so my programs would not be a fit, but my colleague Ginger Moran ( has a novel-writing course she offers from time to time.

  2. Thank you for this idea! I often think about how it seems vitally important to keep that spark going–and I encourage my clients to do this in order to reach their goals–but I but I fail to act on it for myself. It is so helpful to hear it named and validated with the creative spin you and your client’s muse put on it! Tonight I am going to hang out with my muse and co-create my “spark” art piece to remind me. THANK YOU Lisa!

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