Some of my favorite authors feel like old friends even though I have not met them yet. Their voices ring true; their personalities pour forth on the page–quirky, playful, nurturing, wise or sassy. SARK–Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy–is like that for me. You can read something by her and feel as if, “Yes, that’s SARK. I’d know her writing anywhere.”
In the years when I ran myself ragged as executive director of a nonprofit organization in Boston, SARK kept my creativity and writing dreams alive, starting with A Creative Companion, and reading my way through SARK’s Journal and Playbook, Succulent Wild Woman, Juicy Pen, Thirsty Paper, Eat Mangos Naked, The Magic Cottage, Juicy Living Cards and more. Sometimes, I felt like she was writing just for me. Over the years, SARK’s books have continued to delight me with their fanciful invitation to play outside the sandbox.
So, when my good friend, Joshua Home Edwards, sent me a link to support SARK and her partner, John Waddell, during one of life’s more challenging journeys, I was moved to ask myself what I could do beyond the modest donation I made. I looked at the gifts for donors in their crowdfunding campaign and realized I could donate a spot in my Bring Your Book to Life Program® for 2016.
You can read all about SARK’s and John’s journey and the IndieGoGo Campaign to support them here.
There are many generous gifts you can receive for your donation. If you are looking to write your book within the next year, perhaps you want to do good for SARK and John, Save $1,000 off my Bring Your Book to Life Program® and make a commitment to focus on writing your book in a supportive and catalytic environment this spring, with lots of hand-holding from me. If so, there is one spot right now waiting for you here. Feel free to email me if you have questions about this offer.
PS If you are a SARK fan, too, share your favorite of her books or quotes as a comment below!
Oh, I read Sark way back when I was working 10-14 hours a day doing PT but writing in my free times and days, and still in the closet. Back then in the late 80’s and early 90’s is when I also read Loise L. Hay’s writings as well as Artist’s Way. It seems like a hundred years ago!