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Get That Summer Magic Working for Your Book

raspberriesI’m loving the fireflies (they seem to be sticking around much longer this year), picking loads of raspberries in our yard, boogie-boarding with my son, enjoying family dinners on the porch and riding my new bike, though my eight-year-old still beats me in races.

Summer is such a precious time; we want to drink in all the pleasures—from the smell of the honeysuckle to the taste of each blueberry.

Summer can also be a wonderful time to write outdoors and be inspired by nature—the sounds, scents and sights that can infuse our writing with depth and feeling, as my Writing in the Zone class participants are discovering and re-discovering.

As I imagine you do, I seek balance–of pleasure, family, teaching, work and book writing. While I am limiting VIP days to one or two in August and two in September, perhaps one has your name on it?

This June, I helped one VIP client :

– Polish her manuscript

– Plan her strategy for platform building

– Plant the seeds for her book proposal

– Break through a particular challenge

– Reconnect with her confidence and passion

– Commit to her next steps in a way that felt do-able,  enjoyable and sustainable, rather than pushing herself.

Saunderstown Beach

We paced ourselves with a walk around Saunderstown enjoying the gardens, the beach and Narragansett Bay while we brainstormed about a couple of a challenges and helped her get unstuck about a particular issue, coming up with a plan that created ease and calm where there had been fear.

She left refreshed, reignited, with very clear plans, including the revisions to make to her manuscript.

If you would like to[bctt tweet=”get feedback, brainstorm, get unstuck and make significant progress on your book project…”] a VIP day may be just what you need.

You and I will both prepare for your VIP day before and after, together and individually, so that you will get the most out of the experience and also have the momentum, support and accountability to continue to make great strides after the event. VIP days cost between $3,500 and $4,997, including our preparation and follow up activities and calls. If you would like to explore whether a VIP day is what you need to make your big leap, contact me to discuss your vision, needs and desired outcome.

Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

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