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Author Resource Hunt : Congratulations to Our Winners

author resource huntThanks to all who played the author resource hunt. I enjoyed hearing from participants that you found helpful information, inspiration, motivation and more. I was inspired by all your sharing–from writing breakthroughs to tips to captions and blog post ideas.
I invite you to share your biggest takeaway and any commitment you are making as a result of the hunt (for example, “Connect with my muse daily during meditation”).
Congrats to all the daily prizewinners. Our official prize winners for the final 3 prizes are:

First Prize: Leena

• Free download of Inspiration to Author – A complete roadmap to take your book idea from mind to manuscript [value $997]
• An inspiring journal for your writing
• My favorite writing pen: A Pentel EnerGel–choose from purple, blue and black

Second Prize: Bonnie Boucek

• A one-half hour consultation with Lisa Tener [value: $200]
• An inspiring journal for your writing
• My favorite writing pen: A Pentel EnerGel–choose from purple, blue and black

Third Prize: Debbie Wilson

• Free download of Quick Start to Kick-Start Your Book: Turn your Passion into Profit– includes Empowered Author: How to Avoid the 10 Worst Mistakes of New Authors and Writing Breakthrough: 5 Powerful Steps for Inspiration and Flow! [value: $97]
• An inspiring journal for your writing
• My favorite writing pen: A Pentel EnerGel–choose from purple, blue and black

Happy Writing and Happy Thanksgiving.

PS Everyone, please share below:

1. Your biggest takeaway from the Author Resource Hunt

2. Any commitment you are making as a result of the Author Resource Hunt

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Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

Reader Interactions


  1. Hello Lisa!

    Thank you so very very much! I am so excited about winning the :

    • Free download of Quick Start to Kick-Start Your Book: Turn your Passion into Profit– includes Empowered Author: How to Avoid the 10 Worst Mistakes of New Authors and Writing Breakthrough: 5 Powerful Steps for Inspiration and Flow! [value: $97]
    • An inspiring journal for your writing
    • My favorite writing pen: A Pentel EnerGel–choose from purple, blue and black

    I had so much fun participating in the Author Resource Hunt! What I am taking away from this experience is the massive amount of knowledge that is packed into your website and I have made a commitment to connect with my “muse” a minimum of three times a week as well as a commitment to write something everyday, regardless of what’s going on in “life”. Thank you to all who participated as well, as I really enjoyed the i insights that I received from so many of their comments!
    Thanks again Lisa and company for everything! I love your new website and will be visiting it daily.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

    • Congratulations Debbie! I’m so glad you had a fun and useful experience. I hope Quick Start inspires a terrific book. And I have a couple questions for you: black, blue or purple pen? And pocket book size or regular size journal?

      • Hi Lisa,
        Purple pen and regular size journal please! How do I access the “quick start to kick start your book program”? It’s a download right? Is there any way to get it in hard copy? Would love the workbook in hard copy if available.
        Thank you once again for this amazing opportunity, Lisa!


  2. Thank you for the great prize. I’ll take a purple pen and regular size journal. Out of curiousity what were the totals?

    Any whos…congrats to all of us whom partook in this challenge. It takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there to the world.

    Not sure what was the greatest thing I learned from this wonderful hunt. There are just so many great points to learn.

  3. Hi Lisa ,
    My biggest takeaway from the hunt is finally sitting down and putting pen to paper. Today, I found a paper I had written on February 14, 2005, which stated I am writing a book. The amazing thing was that I had the same ideas, used the same words to describe my intention statement and felt writing this book was a major purpose in my life. 10 years ago and I never wrote another word about the book until last week. It is finally out of my head.

    I am making a commitment to take action and follow through with the process of writing my book.

    Thank you Lisa for your superb guidance – I trust you will be hearing from me in the future for more support.

    Special thanks for all the participants – it was a pleasure playing with you.

    Enjoy the holidays!

    • Deborah, I am so glad to hear it. What’s one step you are taking to commit (maybe schedule specific times to write in your calendar?). Have you done the 7-day free e-course? You may want to do that or repeat it (it’s part of the free author toolkit on my home page: Lisa

      • Lisa, I am committing to write something 5 days a week and yes, I am scheduling it in my calendar.

        Yes, I have been doing the 7 day free e-course. The information there is what got me motivated to put pen in hand. I hadn’t thought about repeating it though. Perhaps I will , since you suggested it. I will trust the process.

  4. My take away…..commitment. I honor my gift of writing. I invite my muse into my sacred space, I enter that space willingly, and fully, without reservation. My muse(spirit) comes and we begin the writing. When we are done, I am humbled and grateful for what I have experienced. To me it is sacred. It is from the soul. It is Grace.

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