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Treat Yourself to Book Proposal Coaching or a Book Concept Consultation

book proposal coach Lisa TenerWhat an exciting summer: This spring I coached six clients on their book proposals in a variety of fields—self help books on relationships, spirituality, healing PTSD with dream therapy, education, plant-based eating and one memoir.

Five of the six book proposal coaching clients landed top agents. The sixth knew that her niche did not require an agent and she sent her book proposal directly to publishers, received several offers and is signing a publishing contract with her top choice of publisher in her field (education). And one of the six actually worked backwards—I sent his proposal to the perfect publisher and then connected him with his agent.

Now as we enter September and acquisitions editors return to their desks, the agents will be pitching and selling the four remaining books—so look for announcements in upcoming newsletters.

And that leads me to your book…wouldn’t it be fun to see your publishing adventure highlighted in my newsletter or blog as a publishing success story? And even more fun to be a successfully published author, reaching readers and changing lives?

I thought so. Whether you are working on your book proposal or book, are you at a point where you could use some book coaching or guidance?
• Maybe you’ve been working on a book proposal and you’re wondering what it needs to take it that extra step to make it irresistible to agents and publishers…
• Or perhaps you’re still getting clarity on what your book exactly is and you could use help clarifying—both from the standpoint of writing a marketable, successful book and also in accessing your inner muse and creativity—to write the most dazzling book you can.
• Or maybe you’re stuck and it’s time for a brilliant breakthrough.
I have some exciting news for you. I’m offering some rare September Savings in honor of the Labor Day holiday and the “back to school” tradition.
From now through September 1:

Save $200 when you buy a block of 3 one-hour book coaching sessions:

click here[Note: You can use the 3 sessions at any time – no need to book by Sept. 1!]

Or if you need expert guidance on your book proposal, save $1,250 on book proposal coaching and editing here:

click here

If you have questions about the specials feel free to e-mail me.

Here’s what clients have said:

“Lisa Tener is a miracle worker. “

kimber signing“Lisa’s coaching and support changed my life in the best way possible.

“Imagine, I brought her 400 pages of raw material, mostly typed-in journal entries… and over 10 weeks she showed me how to turn it into a 300 page, readable memoir.  If you follow her instructions and encouragement, and make time for it in your life, you may just find your dream coming alive on the page.

“Here’s what happened to me that never could have happened without Lisa Tener and her amazing mentorship: My self-published book got picked up by a wonderful publisher and won a nationally recognized award.  If you are struggling to give birth to the book you know you have inside, I can’t recommend Lisa highly enough..”

 — Kimber Simpkins,

Author of the Nautilus Award Winning Memoir, Full

book signing with book coach lisa tener
Carrie Barron and Lisa Tener at Carrie’s first book signing in NYC.

“Meeting Lisa Tener at Harvard Medical School’s publishing course changed my life. I was struck by Lisa’s ability to bring out our creativity and at the same time how well she understood the business end of book writing and publishing. She was the book writing coach for me.

book cover the creativity cure
The book proposal for The Creativity Cure helped the book land a top agent and a 6-figure book deal from Scribner

“When I met Lisa I had an amorphous idea. Lisa helped me clarify my book idea into something much more marketable than my initial concept by suggesting the perfect niche audience for my book and a spot-on title–The Creativity Cure. Lisa also guided me and my co-author step-by-step to write a top-notch book proposal–one that several agents and publishers were excited about.

“She helped us choose the right agent–who ultimately landed us a 6-figure book deal with Charles Scribner’s Sons. The clarity and advice Lisa provided contributed greatly to that outcome. Lisa’s astute pick ups and sharp thinking made all the difference.”

-Carrie Barron, MD, co-author with Alton Barron, MD of The Creativity Cure published by Charles Scribner’s Sons

author Cathy Turney “I went to the 2014 San Francisco Writers Conference looking for a book coach to rescue my real estate book. I was troubled by voice, the right balance of light and dark, humor and helpfulness. Within minutes of meeting Lisa, I knew I had found The Guru.

 “I interviewed six other book coaches at the conference, spent fifteen minutes with each, and Lisa gave me more insight than all the others combined. She got into my head, totally grasping what I wanted to accomplish, and within five minutes came up with brilliant suggestions that I hadn’t even considered (for free – she didn’t even sign me before starting to share!).

laugh your way cover “I knew that in hiring Lisa my book would have the eyes of a master on it—one who has proven results with the Big Six publishers. I am going indie, so I knew I needed her expertise even more. We have just finished editing, and I am beyond thrilled with the results.

 “Your book only gets one chance to become a top seller. Don’t risk it. Let Lisa make it the best it can be.”

–         Cathy Turney, author of two books, including the about-to-be-published Laugh Your Way to Real Estate Sales Success

Have a question? Post your question or comment below.

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Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

Reader Interactions


  1. I’m exploring your services. What is the basic difference between “coaching” and “mentoring” and what are your fees. Thanks.

    • Hi Pamela,
      Mentoring tends to be either:
      a) all encompassing (i.e. including platform building, business building, marketing, etc.)
      b) I mentor other writing coaches, editors and colleagues in my field.
      Coaching can be about the inner game of writing, as well as specifically writing a stand-out book that brings your vision to life.
      I will e-mail you about pricing since the blog is permanent but prices can change over time.

  2. Hello Lisa, I am currently looking into being a book editor. It will be a great honor if you could be my coach. I currently work full time as a software quality assurance analyst but I intend to devote time into building this as well. Please let me know what I need to do. Thank you!

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