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Book Celebration

I have two invitations for you. First, let me share that this Friday, after the final week of my award-winning Bring Your Book to Life Program, we have a party celebrating three recent graduates who published their books in the last month or so: Stacy Corrigan, author of Manifest Your Man, Susan Rizzo Vincent, author of Dreas Dream: An Unfinished Dance – Lessons of love, loss, hope and healing and Martha Rhodes, author of 3,000 Pulses. I’ve written about how they each overcame obstacles to finish and publish their books on my blog here.

Stacy Corrigan's BookStacy would drive down to Narragansett for class and stay the weekend to write her book, since her busy weeks in property management did not leave much time for writing during the week. The big blocks of time on the weekend, unencumbered by distractions or work required discipline–and now she has her book–endorsed by several bestselling authors and she’s teaching workshops in the US and internationally–helping women the world over to “Manifest Your Man.”

Susan set herself up in the library, a café, and finally a church to write her book, spendingSusan Rizzo Vincent book entire days in her special spot in these venues. She’d head right to her power spot after class and some days wrote a whole chapter, others just a few lines. No matter. She stuck to it and wrote. Now her book, with a foreword by actress Jane Seymour, is inspiring parents, dancers, those facing loss and life-altering challenges, as well as anyone who is looking for a story of hope, on the radio, and in print. Susan has been invited to present her book at the RI Chapter of the American Association of University Women, “DanceLife” Conventions and will be the keynote speaker at the More Than Just Great Dancing Convention in Hawaii in February 2014.

Martha drove the 6 hours round trip from Danbury, CT to three separate 8-week programsMartha Rhode's book to complete 3,000 Pulses: Surviving Depression with TMS Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. A memoir can often take longer than a how-to book, and this one required her to dig deeper and deeper to add power and realness to her wise and witty voice as a writer. The result is a book that moves me deeply every time I read it–and as her editor, I’ve read it several times! 3,000 Pulses is currently in over 400 TMS centers nationwide, and with an almost immediate order for 10,000 books in Japan, Martha’s book is poised to have an impact globally on people suffering from depression by introducing them to a new, proven and side-effect free method of recovery along with a moving story that is sure to bring hope.

I am so proud of these three women and their beautifully written and compelling books.

My invitations?  If you’re in the area on December 7, please join us for the after-class party at 12:30 ET in Narragansett , RI overlooking the ocean, hearing our authors share about their experiences and sharing some great food and perhaps buying a few books for yourself and others on your holiday list. Other Bring Your Book to Life authors will also be present with their books for sale.

Just e-mail me and I’ll send you directions.

Second invitation is to imagine yourself as one of the authors at a party like this–in a beautiful room with 270 degree views of the ocean–signing books and having your classmates return to congratulate you and celebrate your success. Yes, it’s possible–through either my Narragansett class next spring or my highly interactive teleseminar–that’s right, you can live anywhere in the world and take part in this award-winning book program that is a true “cut above the rest.”

I am offering a special 5 month payment plan through December 15. E-mail me to set up a time for us to explore whether this is the right fit for you. You can begin your pre-work right away and start working with me in early 2013 to prepare to make the most of the spring course.

How’s your book coming? What are you doing in 2013 to make your book publishing dreams come true? Share your comments on this post!

Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

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