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Making Money as an Author: The Head Game

book writing coach Lisa Tener
Your book writing coach

I often find myself assisting authors in developing a business plan for how they will actually make money with their book. Some authors imagine they’ll make money on their book sales. While that can happen, you may also find yourself spending money to promote your book. It’s the speaking, consulting, coaching, teleseminar leading, and other opportunities that tend to create the bulk of your new income as an author.

Before you can put your plan into action, many authors and aspiring authors need to get past their limiting beliefs and habits. And I’d say about 75% of the people I work with have some kind of limitation about money to get over to step more fully into their power, earn what they’d like.

kate beeders money coach
Kate Beeders, Success Coach will lead the webinar on Wednesday.

Hand in hand with taking care of the money belief system and habits comes addressing any negative beliefs about success, self-expression and the attention that comes with being an author. When authors take care of these issues, they stop sabotaging or limiting themselves and experience freedom to soar.

And that’s why I’m so excited to be part of Kate Beeders’ webinar “5 Keys To Reaching Your Money Goals This Year.” Kate uses several processes to help people move past blocks, including a powerful technique called

phots by david
Photo by David Donohue:

EFT. On this webinar, you’ll:

  • Discover the action steps you need to take NOW to reach your Money Goals
  • Get the answers to your questions and have the chance to get coached live with Kate  to start figuring out how you can make more money quickly

If you have any desire to earn more money with greater ease, please join us (Kate, me and Dr. Rachna Jain) on Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 3pm Eastern time for this powerful call.

Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

Reader Interactions


  1. Lisa, I am so excited about this topic about money. Last night, I was at an event in Boston with about 80 other female solopreneurs. This topic hit a nerve with everyone that I talked to. Partly, because of our childhood experiences with money and their worth (core beliefs) , partly because of what’s going on in the economy (limiting beliefs) and lastly, because of not knowing what action should be taken (marketing to attract their ideal clients).

    This is going to be a great webinar as we delve more into this topic and help more solopreneurs earn all that they want and have the business and life that they desire and deserve!

    “see” you on the webinar

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