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Celebrating Great Talent

Congratulations to Jamie on his new job. We’ll miss him!

This week I said, “Good-bye” to Jamie Levitt, who has been on the Bring Your Book to Life Program team for over a year and a half. In that time, Jamie was  instrumental in the development of my award-winning Bring Your Book to Life Program–editing CD’s finding resources, offering ideas.

Jamie has often been the strategist behind our social media–teaching me to engage more on Facebook and Twitter and managing our Facebook page. Jamie researched how to create our writing contest and did all the work behind the scenes, so that my only job was providing feedback to our contestants through the blog and being one of the judges.

I could go on and on about his accomplishments, creativity, work relationships, work ethic and more, but I will just end in asking you to comment below and join me in thanking Jamie and wishing him well as he begins his new job as Junior Manager of Ticket Sales and Fan Development for Ball State University. They are very lucky to have him!

inspiriation to authorself study course
Jamie edited all the CDs for these materials.

The wonderful Rachel Horwitz, who has also been with us for a year and a half, will be taking over many of Jamie’s areas.

If you’ve gotten clarity about your book through Quick Start to Kick Start Your Book, or written your book in my Bring Your Book to Life Program or in the self study version–Inspiration to Author— (and love those CD’s!), if you participated in our writing contest, if you connect with us through social media, or if you’ve ever had the pleasure of working with Jamie, please share your comments below in wishing Jamie well.

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Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

Reader Interactions


  1. Jamie was instrumental in getting off the ground and getting my book Step Ahead of Autism known within the social media world. Jamie’s passion around the subject of autism coupled with his compassion for the parents touched by this disorder speaks volumes for the devotion and commitment Jamie possesses for whatever task is put before him. Our loss is Ball State University’s gain! You will be greatly missed Jamie – Best of luck!

  2. Congratualtions Jamie on all the great talent you shared with Lisa to help so many of us!!
    Many blessings and good wishes for your continued success and happiness!

  3. Oh Jamie, I don’t how what we are going to do without you! I watched as you grew from a “newbie” just out of college to a really polished addition to our team.

    It was wonderful to watch you become a competent, confident young man who is now going off to work in his chosen field.

    Good luck and please keep in touch.

    Geri Lafferty

  4. Jamie, We have all benefited from your amazing enthusiasm, expertise and willingness to take on the most challenging projects. Everyone connected with Lisa Tener’s work has you to thank because you helped to create a “total package” Win-Win for everyone. Good luck and keep us informed as your new career unfolds.

  5. Hi Jamie. Thank you so much for the support you offered to me, and to all of Lisa’s students, through the process of her Book Pitch Contest. You very skillfully guided me through the technical points after I won the contest with my Self Care Yoga pitch, and it was an honor to work with you. I wish you peace and wellness on your journey. Warmly, Kate Forest

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