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Pitch Your Book to Life: Congratulations!

It’s been an inspiring several weeks, reading the 44 compelling book pitches (50 counting revisions). Congratulations to everyone who entered and shared your passion for your subject.  And to our hundreds of voters. You’re all winners.

And The Official Winner Is . . .

Kate Forest, RYT for her entry Self Care Yoga: Short Healing Lessons for Body, Mind & Life!  

book publicity expert rusty shelton
Book Publicity Expert Rusty Shelton

Here’s what book publicity expert Rusty Shelton had to say: “This pitch, to me, seemed most ready for book form. I like the market for this book–busy professionals and others looking to give yoga a try without a huge time commitment and I also like Kate’s background. I think the market is ready for this book and it sounds, from the pitch, that Kate has a very good idea of what she wants to communicate in the book. Nicely done.”

Here’s the winning pitch: (If you entered the contest, do you notice anything you might add to your pitch based on this?)

“In Self Care Yoga: Short Healing Lessons for Body, Mind, & Life! I share five simple yoga routines and eighteen Self Care Skills designed to fit today’s busy lifestyle and relieve physical, mental, and emotional distress. The unique perspective of this self-paced program also shares personal experiences, compelling student stories, and self-reflective written exercises that inspire readers to live my Five Principles of Mindful Living on the yoga mat and in life, as a way to better support themselves, others, and the world.

kate forest yoga book
Kate Forest, our winner

“There are no pretzel-poses here, just healing postures with clear easy-to-follow instructions, full color photos, and chair variations for those needing or wanting to be even gentler with themselves, whether a beginner or long time yoga student. Included is a CD of my voice with calming music to guide readers, and perhaps a group of their friends, through the featured Self Care Yoga routines. I live these healing skills daily and as an advanced level yoga teacher and mindful living coach of twelve years, have shared these teachings with thousands of students in my classes, workshops, and Self Care retreats, and encourage readers to share these skills with others.”

Runner up is Nora Hall for her humor-filled pitch for Survive Your Husband’s Retirement. The humor was certainly a big hook for this pitch, as were the market size and stories.

survive your husband's retirement book
Nora Hall’s book is the Runner Up

“We’re not sure where Joe learned his caboose skills, but on his first day of retirement he began following his wife everywhere––even into the bathroom, we’re told. In another household, mild-mannered, but newly retired Don became the family tyrant, going into a frenzy whenever dishes or silverware weren’t placed exactly as he had rearranged them.

“And that’s only a few of the strange stories we’ve heard about husbands’ retirement behaviors. Written for wives of the Two Million (plus) baby boomers who will become eligible for retirement this year alone, Survive Your Husband’s Retirement looks at changes in a relationship––and the errant behavior that comes along with it––when a husband retires. Replete with couple’s stories, cartoons, Bliss Bits and Thoughts to Ponder, Survive prompts women to laugh, to cry, to think––and finally––take action to return bliss to the relationship.”

A big thank you to our judges: Literary Agent Michael Larsen and Book Publicity Expert Rusty Shelton.

Did title play a role in these winning pitches? Absolutely. Our judges commented on a couple of books they would have ranked higher with a better title. It can take a while to hit upon the perfect title.

Some things to consider for a potent title are:

– Does it sound fresh?

– Is it clear who the audience is and what problem it solves?

– Are the benefits of reading the book clear?

– Does it resonate with the particular target market (It doesn’t matter as much what others outside the market think of it)?

– Does it make you want to open the book and read?

So, let’s hear from you. What inspired you about the contest? What take-aways do you have? Anything we can do better the next time? Thanks.

Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

Reader Interactions


  1. Congratulations Kate and Nora – I have to be honest – these were the two books I actually was interested in reading. Great Work! I totally enjoyed the contest and feel even more inspired knowing there is an interest in my book (I was one of the top 10). I greatly appreciate the time Lisa took to provide me personal feedback and I have learned alot from the pitchs and feedback given to the other contestants. Good Luck Everyone!

    • Gael, Thank you for your most gracious comment. I’m so glad you got what you did out of the experience and I am excited about your book as well.

    • Thank you so much Gael!! Congrats to you as well on being one of the Top 10. If you want to read my book and stay in touch you can find me on Facebook and if you wish to receive my monthly newsletter with Self Care Skills, relaxation audios, and yoga instructions, you can email me at, or visit my web at I’d love to stay connected! Good luck with your book and enjoy the moments. Warmly, Kate

  2. Talking with Nora and reading other woman’s posts has been great. I got new thoughts and many laughs. She has met with many woman & men around the country. We are awaiting the published book and know it will be a great hit.
    this topic has been overlooked. it’s time has come.

  3. Congratulations to the Winners! Very deserving i might add. It was a good first run for me, and i did learn a lot from what i have read.
    I would also agree with Mr. Shelton, that, these two pitches, seemed very well organized and ready for book form. I do hope Lisa considers doing a contest again in the future!
    Thanks for all the good feedback.

  4. Thanks for being part of it Hope, Lee, Kate and Gael–and good luck with your wonderful books!

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