“Lead with your heart but use your head. The purpose of your head is to figure out the best way to give your heart’s message.” – Dr. Katie Eastman
Many questions come up when you’re writing a book:
– How do I make the time?
– Where do I start?
– What book do I write (or which one to write first)?
and then there are the questions that surface in the midst of writing:
– What is my voice? How do I find it?
– Why am I stuck? How do I get past this block?
– How do I finesse this particular piece I’m grappling with?
If you’re a frequent reader of my blog or have done any private work with me, you know how much I love leading my book writing clients in a visualization to “Meet Your Muse.”
Our left brain serves us, yes. But sometimes we need to go somewhere else to get to the heart of the matter. Today, in our consultation, Dr. Katie Eastman posed the question, “How do I find that place where my writing voice balances my head and my heart?”
The answer her muse provided struck us both as profound:
“Lead with your heart but use your head. The purpose of your head is to figure out the best way to give your heart’s message.”
It seemed such apt advice for any writer.
Here’s another link to my free “Meet Your Muse” visualization, in case you haven’t received it yet. What wisdom does your muse have to share?
Listen to the audio and please feel free to add a comment and share what your muse has taught you.
Great Advice!!!