This is the second time Joshua Home Edwards has facilitated the technical details for my Bring Your Book to Life Program teleseminar series. The first time around he told me the classes inspired him and that some day he hoped to write a book.
Second time around, he started thinking about really writing that book and I shared the course materials with him. In 3 days he’d written 10 E-books, each one with 35 prayers of gratitude from people around the world to the God of their understanding.
I was struck by the power of the story about how this book came about and also by how quickly he wrote and published the books–within days his first e-book was on YouPublish. He decided he wanted a different platform and days later it was on Lulu. His e-publishing action brought to life for me the speed and power of self-publishing in this digital world–and the ability to make quick changes.
In this post, you can 1) Listen to our interview and be inspired by Joshua’s compelling story.
2) Learn 3 secrets that helped Joshua write quickly (below)
3) See how easy it is to publish your e-books through Lulu.
4) Invest $1 in a copy of Joshua’s book, be inspired and become part of a movement.
I’ve marveled at seeing Joshua go from inspiration to published author in less than a week and witnessing the personal growth that came with that. I’m also excited about the power of e-publishing–and thinking about which of my special reports and other book materials might be worth putting up there in cyberspace.
Do share your experiences below–both in e-publishing and in response to our interview and Joshua’s e-book.
And I’d love your help in this experiment. Joshua’s vision is that everyone experience the power of being a part of other people’s answered prayers. Join me in supporting this vision and share this blog post with friends. Let’s see how we can create a world where we are all part of eachother’s answered prayers–no matter what our religious beliefs or background.
Here are Joshua’s secrets for generating a major breakthrough in book writing. He calls it his “Success Magnet Manifesto.” (and please forgive my font and color issues–I just could not fix it…)
1.)The Empowerment Magnet:
Everybody wants to know how to get from where they are to where they want to go, and the biggest addiction in our culture is asking somebody outside ourselves for answers. You know best what is best for you, so my essential question is…
“What do you need to do to get from where you are to where you want to be?”
2.) The Practice Magnet:
My personal response to the above question was an invitation from my Spirit to pray more than 10,000 times a day in the name of raising “the wavelength of my radio station” so I could hear a “new frequency of music.” Obviously, this practice might not be best for you and my question is…“What Supportive practice can you invent to increase or ensure your success?”
3). The Dream Magnet:
A huge surge of creativity opened up for me in response to the previous question that lead to a specific way of focusing my attention which can be universally beneficial…it has to do with the power of our dreams…for other people. In Lisa’s classes, as part of creating a Vision Statement for your book, she invites you to dream about what this book can do for other people.
I invite you to think about it in very specific terms:
- What could happen if someone gave a copy of your book to their best friend who was going through the most difficult experience of her life?
- What could happen if someone gave a copy of your book to their Grandfather on his 87th birthday?
- What could happen if someone gave a copy of your book to the President of the United States?
Let’s hear from you. Did this post open up anything for you? Anything to share about e-publishing or Joshua’s e-books? Questions for Joshua or me? We’d love to hear from you.
Thank You Lisa…for highlighting what’s possible for people through this process. I hope this post inspires an experience of swift and exponential expansion for anyone reading these words. Along those lines, if you are moved to provide your project with “rocket fuel” I encourage you to contact me at to receive an unprecedented level of complementary support services.
Specifically speaking, my publishing path includes the possibility of partnering with more than 201 different Co-Authors who would benefit from the miracles that can happen whenever “two or more are gathered in the name of…helping people all over the world help themselves.”
For Your Purpose,
Joshua Home Edwards
This is along the same lines I’ve been working on for some time now. This hypes me up, knowing someone else accomplished it.
That’s great, Andrea. What topics are you writing about?