You’ve probably already heard me say, “Schedule your book-writing appointments in your calendar for very specific times and keep these times sacred.”
Think of it as a hot date or a meeting with the President.
If something else comes up, ask yourself, “How will it impact my book to say ‘yes’ to this?” That question can get you back in touch with the risk you take when you blow off book-writing.
When Lisa Jesswein interviewed me on Positive Now on Empower Radio she mentioned that she writes the same time each week with her book-writing partner. Her partner couldn’t meet for the past two weeks but Lisa kept her “date” and wrote anyway. That’s the kind of consistency it takes to get the job done.
How do you maintain that kind of stick-to-it-iveness?
– Find yourself a writing buddy and hold each other accountable.
– Ask your life coach, business coach or mentor to hold you accountable.
– Hire a writing coach.
– Take a book writing class.
– Start your own book-writing group. If you don’t have anyone to ask, post at the library.
While professional support can be the most effective and efficient (and include additional benefits beyond accountability), if you’re on a budget, there are several ways to get your accountability free. So, no excuses.
Empower yourself right now and make a commitment on this blog post to get your accountability. How will you do it? (Or how are you getting that kind of support)? Share here.
Hi Lisa~
I have been searching for some information on an “Executive Summary”. I did not find any matches on your blog site. Have you written about them? I have a publisher that would like a 1 page Executive Summary and 2 chapters of my book for review.
Thank you very much!
Hi Amy,
In an executive summary, you need to hook literary agents and publishers with the concept of your book. Include your biggest selling points and also the information they most want:
– Demonstrate the need and demand for the book.
– What’s unique about this book (and also how is it similar to other books on the market, particularly bestsellers)?
– Who is the primary market and size of market?
– Why are you the person to write the book?
– How big a platform (reach/following) do you have? (this is crucial to publishers)
Your first paragraph can “hook” agents with a powerful statistic or information about you or the book that’s compelling. Put your best stuff in that first paragraph. if you’ve been on Oprah, tie that in here! I had one of my clients tie in her Oprah story and I’m sure it helped in the great book deal she got. Include the most compelling fact about your platform (following/reach).
Second paragraph can include more about market and need for book. Can include how your book is similar to bestsellers but also how it “sticks out.”
Third paragraph can include more about platform and how you plan to market the book. Promotion plan should be tied to activities you are already successful at.
Bullet points are always helpful–they make it easy to read.
For another take on the Executive Summary, see Michael Larsen’s “How to Use a Mini Proposal ” for information on writing a mini-proposal (this is a bit longer than an executive summary).
Thank You So Much, Lisa! Super helpful!
I appreciate it, and feel like I have something to work with now to put this together!
You’re a gem!
You’re welcome. Let me know how it goes! Good luck.