Many aspiring authors write their books from a yearning or passion to get their message out to the world. This is a beautiful place to come from–whether your book will help people heal, help them be better managers or help them choose the right college.
Take another step, now, and think about how you’ll reach these readers and have the greatest impact on their lives. Will you reach tens of thousands of people through public speaking? Will you offer teleseminars and private coaching to help them take the work deeper?
And don’t stop there. I want you to also think about what your book will do for you in your life. Will it have you traveling to exotic places to give seminars? Will it make you prosperous through all the clients it helps you attract and doors it opens?
Sometimes people tell me, “I don’t care if I make any money with my book.” Really? What if your book can help you make an even bigger difference for people because of the success it helps you achieve? And why don’t you want money?
Some of the people who say this are struggling to make ends meet. Unfortunately, it’s harder to make a positive impact in the world if you’re experiencing struggle in any part of your life. How much more of an instrument of joy, peace and love can you be when you have abundance and prosperity in your life?
Start thinking about the business of your book and how it will help you be in service at an even higher level. As you make more money and have more success with your book, you get to make even more of an impact for other people.
I’m fortunate to be part of an amazing line up of speakers in the Fire Up Your Business Conference over the next couple of months–luminaries like Stephen Covey, Ken Foster, T. Harv Ecker, Stephanie Hartman, Penny Sansevieri, Rick Frishman, Joe Vitale and many more. Check out the registration page for the full line up of speakers.
As I’ve been listening to these calls I’m struck by how these thought leaders–and most of them are published authors–have so much to give. Their success stems from a place of service to others. And most of them are also quite prosperous. Let these leaders be your teachers and mentors.
Join me for this amazing virtual conference and learn how you can:
- Make more money doing what you love.
- Create a greater impact.
- Enjoy a never-ending stream of clients or customers.
- Take your business to the next level.
- Oh, and, of course, leverage one of the most powerful business building tools of all time–your book!
See you on the calls. I’d love to hear your comments on what you’re getting out of the call–come back to this page or my facebook page and let us know what pearls of wisdom and powerful tools these speakers are giving you to Fire Up Your Business.
I’d also love to hear what you’re hoping to hear on my call! (We should have a date in April shortly–sign up for the free conference and you’ll be notified when it’s scheduled).
Hey Lisa,
I have been reading your blog and newsletter on a regular basis. Thanks for all the great tips. I have signed up for the virtual seminars and I so look forward to hearing you in April.I am working to get my book published and although it is a long road… many of the insights you have offered have been incredibly helpful.
Thanks for the inspiration