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Social Media for Authors

Your book writing coach

One could easily write a book (or a series of books) on the subject of social media for authors. Let’ see how much meat I can put in one blog post. Here are some takeaways from my interview last night with Leili McKinley, who has helped many award winning authors hit a home run with their social media.

Below are my insights and a link to the audio recording of the call (over an hour chock full of examples of bestselling authors’ secrets, specific steps you can take and answers to listeners burning questions). We didn’t get to everyone’s questions, so please list your questions as comments and Leili has offered to answer them below!

Leili McKinley
Leili McKinley, Social Media Expert

Three reasons you need social media more than ever as an author or aspiring author:

1. Publishers expect it: For a book deal, you need to show you’re adept.

2. Social media creates viral word of mouth fans:  The kind who buy more than one book and give them as gifts and who tell everyone about your book (often, through social media!)

3. You want the momentum of people who want your book before it ever comes out. If your book is in bookstores, you’ll need those pre-sales and immediate sales to stay on the shelves.

How to brand your business and book online:

1. Know your target market: NY Times Bestselling author Tim Ferris, author of the Four Hour Work Week, knew that his target market were self employed, small business owners who wanted to grow empires and have their freedom, too.

2. Make your key messages align with what your target market believes: Tim’s message was, “You can build an empire by outsourcing most of the work.”

3. Deliver those messages everywhere your readers hang out online: The experts use more than one kind of social media, because people usually need to hear the message more than once to buy. Tim blogged to build a loyal following and also connected with his audience on YouTube, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, Plaxo, Flikr and Friendfeed. You may want to be a bit more targeted if you can’t do all of these–find out where you folks hang out.

On the call, Leili also shared details about how to position your brand to get results, including a client of hers who was relatively unknown in the US.  Her publisher is recording record pre-sales of her book due to niche branding.

Leili also gave details about how one of her most successful clients used social media to connect with journalists, radio hosts, TV producers and other PR contacts before his book game out. He was on the Today Show, Good Morning America and Tyra Banks.  I encourage you to LISTEN TO THE AUDIO HERE.

In addition, if you’re serious about creating a following for your book before it comes out (or if it’s out already), you’ll want to look at Leili’s social media for authors course. I won’t list all the benefits and features here, but you can go to this page for all the information you need to make a decision.

I don’t participate in many affiliate programs. However, I knew my clients, students and readers desperately need how to make social media work for them. I’ve searched around for a program that I know has the power to help you. I’ve taken three different courses, two from some of the leaders in the industry and found them difficult to use (too much information, too many assignments, no assignments, etc.).

Leili’s course addressed all my concerns and is targeted for authors. For this reason, I am proud to be a paid affiliate of her program. Leili’s program offers:

1. Assignments that are truly relevant for authors and aspiring authors.

2. Ability to do the classwork (watch the 20 minute videos and do assignments) when it’s convenient for you.

3. Weekly coaching calls to get your questions answered personally.

I know many of you still have questions for Leili…ask away. And good luck with developing your brand and setting yourself up to make your book a big success.

Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

Reader Interactions


  1. I participated in the teleconference call last night. This morning I tried one of Leili’s strategies on Facebook. Specifically, I began a conversation using a “hook” from my upcoming book. Within minutes, friends joined in. 39 minutes later, twenty conversations took place–This is the real deal!! Sign me up.

  2. Lisa and Leili– Thanks for the fantastic information. I have already benefited from the point you emphasized to always come back to your key target audience and really hone my message to “that woman” no matter what social media you are working on. Leili – do you have a suggestion for how to best identify where this audience is hanging out online?

  3. When you’re on a TV show, you need to tailor your message to the interests and needs of the audience. You want to provide valuable information and take-aways. The book is secondary. A good host will show the book and mention the book, and you can mention the book once or twice at most in a way that still provides information, “In, title of book, I provide 5 ways to xyz. Here is one,” and then provide that tidbit or sound byte. If you’re on before the book is out, perhaps you can offer something free on your website. Again you want to be subtle about it, saying something like, “There are many benefits to being intuitive. People in the audience can go to my website and take a quiz to determine how intuitive they are.”


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