One of my future book writing students (she’s registered for the May class) called to say she’s a bit stuck. Going through the preliminary material, she found herself feeling a bit hazy about her book, and conflicted about her goals:
- Should the book create interest for her workshops?
- Should it be required reading for workshops or would that just turn people off?
- Should it include any exercises from the workshop or not?

As we spoke this morning, I realized we needed to take a step back. Her problem stemmed from the fact that she had no sacred space for writing. She’d moved six months ago and complete chaos reigned throughout her new home–from boxes piled in rooms and hallways to floors that required a complete overhaul.
We both recognized that little progress could take place until she developed a sacred, clear, inviting, inspiring space for creativity, including writing.
While you might not have quite the herculean task of moving a whole household, some of my recommendations might support your own process:
1. Clear the space with intention: open windows, burn sage or another aromatic, cleansing herb, sing songs, dance or do whatever it takes for you to clear out old energy and bring in new energy that resonates with your intention. Burning herbs may sound airy-fairy, but remember that your creative side loves metaphor, symbols and creative practices.
2. Clean out the old: What needs to go to make this space support creative flow? Can you donate it? Sell it? Put it in the basement for now?

3. Plan your space: What will you do in this space? What will make it feel like a sanctuary for creating and writing? What artwork, furniture, colors and other objects will inspire you?
4. Schedule your time: Go right to your planner or calendar and schedule specific dates and times for organizing and creating sacred space. Treat this appointment just like any other important commitment.
5. Get support: Recruit a friend, hire a recent college grad, or ask your super-organized sister to help you. It’s so much easier to take on the task of clearing, cleaning and organizing a space with someone to help. If you need to pay for help, think of it as an important investment in your writing life and future.
I’d love to hear how you’re creating sacred space for yourself. Share your commitments, accomplishments and suggestions.