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Write Yourself Free

First book in the series of maureen Daigle-Weavers Conscious Living Book Series
First book in the series of maureen Daigle-Weaver's Conscious Living Book Series

Last week, I opened my mail and received this beautiful gem of a book, Maureen Daigle-Weaver’s Write Yourself Free: Conscious living and Personal Peace through the Power of the Pen.

Maureen wrote her first draft in my 60 day book writing teleseminar and I got to “test” the Write Yourself Free process and experience its power first hand.

I found myself able to move past limiting reactions to things going on in my own life and “clear” beliefs that were blocking me from experiencing my goals, particularly in parenting and writing.

The Write Yourself Free process is a comprehensive, solution-based approach to problem solving.  It uses structured and sequential series of prompts to guide you to think, feel, and write in a manner that shifts your perspective from a negative focus to positive.

The process forces readers to be honest with themselves and supports readers to be accountable for their own thoughts and feelings. You can use it to help push through writing blocks, or take your writing and speaking career to the next level, as well as for personal issues and relationships.

Maureen actually used the Write Yourself Free process while she wrote her book.  She shared with me, “At times I felt blocked and unsure of where to go next.  There were even times when I found it hard to receive your editorial feedback. I  needed to pick myself up and edit the chapters I had thought were near perfection.  The process helped me find my way with great clarity.  It also restored my confidence and provided the courage to go back to the keyboard and re-work the chapters.”

The Write Yourself Free process evolved through trial and error over many years as Maureen studied and implemented many different journaling methods and  self-awareness techniques.  She further researched, refined, and tested the process with a 12 member study group she assembled.

I was impressed with the glowing testimonials the book got from Brian Tracy and Bob Proctor. I asked Maureen exactly how she got these testimonials: “I went to seminars put on by Brian Tracy and Bob Proctor.  I bought and used their materials.

“When it was time to get testimonials for the book I sent requests to many people: from my friends to two dozen celebrities, like Brian and Bob who are recognized in subject areas related to my topic.  I sent everyone a self addressed return envelope.  I also sent a copy of the manuscript with a cover letter personalized to each asking for their testimonial. ” I think the last point is key, that Maureen personalized each letter.

If you’re asking people for testimonials, let the person know why you are asking them, in particular: how has their writing impacted you? What about it has had the greatest impact (be specific, not flowery). Remind them that you’ve met them at their workshops. You want to establish that you are a part of their community and fan base. Is there a particular chapter you’d like them to read?

Some testimonial or blurb providers are happy to receive some pointers about what you’d like them to write about, as well. And you might consider asking them if they’d consider writing a blurb while you’re in their workshop–that way your follow up is based on a previous conversation where they already expressed interest.

Have questions about how to approach authors and other celebrities about blurbs? Ask away. Or share how you got a great blurb for your book.

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Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener is an award-winning book writing coach who assists writers in all aspects of the writing process—from writing a book proposal and getting published to finding one’s creative voice. Her clients have appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, CBS Early Show, The Montel Williams Show, CNN, Fox News, New Morning and much more. They blog on sites like The Huffington Post, Psychology Today and WebMD.

Reader Interactions


  1. Thank you Lisa for such a wonderful blog on my book Write Yourself Free – Conscious Living and Personal Peace Through the Power of the Pen. Your 60 day program was exactly what I needed to get focused on the project and to get my message into shape for others to read. I have received great feedback on the honesty and clarity of the writing. I take credit for the honesty. You get credit for the clarity.

    It took some kicks to the butt from you to get me writing in way that got the message across while entertaining my readers and myself in the process.

    The thing I missed most in writing my book was your ban on using exclamation marks. That’s how I talk in real life!!!!!

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