When I attended the Harvard Medical School publishing course, I had an idea that the work I was doing with favorite children had the potential for a groundbreaking psychology book. I also knew that the publishing world was entirely new to me and I wanted an expert on my team. I hired Lisa Tener to help me with my book proposal and sample chapters.
She provided clarity on what makes a proposal stand out and a book get published, as well as offering insight and wisdom into the entire process. I landed a terrific agent and publisher.
Lisa also provided insightful editing and feedback as I wrote the rest of my book. Lisa helped me translate words from professional jargon to better understood language– and without diluting the integrity of the work.
Publishing my booked helped me get my ideas out to a much larger audience. I’ve now been on the CBS Early Show talking about The Favorite Child and I blog on the Huffington Post and Psychology Today. Thank you Lisa for the strong start”