My writing retreat starts tomorrow morning at 8:00 am as I drive north and westward. I’m only taking notebooks (the paper kind). Not sure why, but something is telling me I need to write long hand.
I’m tempted to bring notebooks and folders full of notes for a couple of books I am thinking about writing. I could also have brought my latest version of my children’s book. But I am bringing nothing but blank sheets.
Call me crazy. It feels crazy. I like to be prepared. Yet, this feels right.
I took the day off from work yesterday and read to my eight year old who was home sick from school and took a few naps when the boys napped. Even that felt related to preparing for the retreat–slowing down, letting go of all my work-related responsibilities, creating inner space.
I like the idea of fallow. I have a feeling that both slowing down and trusting that whatever I need will come to me (no notes needed) will allow this project to come with a certain ease.
Did I mention I have no idea what I’ll be writing about, though I know it’s a book? It’s just a sense that there’s something new, knocking around my unconscious, waiting for me to make the time for it to reveal itself. And that feels adventurous and liberating.
This weekend I have no kids and have cleared my calander in order to center myself and simply write. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who takes these kinds of retreats…though I’m not leaving my house…lucky you! I have just found your site/blog and look forward to learning more! Happy writing…long hand!
My concept was to write a book on punctuation for creative writers, a book that looked at punctuation as an art form (instead of examining it in the usual narrow, pedantic way). It would be heavy on examples from literary masters and examine thoroughly, for the first time, how they used punctuation, and how that ultimately impacted their work.
The book sounds great. An Eats Shoots and Leaves for the creative writer? But more highbrow?