A Navy Seal’s Path To Inner Freedom And Outer Peace
Christopher Lee Maher
*Best Selling Author*

Got Stress? The Struggle is Real

According to the American Psychological Association, some people may not even feel the physical or emotional warning signs until hours or days of persistent stressful activities. The warning signs of stress are not to be taken lightly or ignored. Noticing how you respond to stress, you can manage it better and in healthy ways, which will help your body correct itself, reducing the high cost and care of chronic, long-term health problems.
“Unrelieved stress is the cause of all disease!”Dr. Hans Salye, MD, PhD – The Father of Stress research

Are You Ready For Freedom From Stress And Tension?

Most people today consider stress to be a given. We’re all stressed out all of the time, to the point where chronic stress has become the norm. We may think we’re desensitized to stress, but our bodies aren’t, and piled-up stress causes severe and traumatic damage over time to both our emotional and physical health. This is unresolved stress. To address the widespread health challenges plaguing our society, we need to start taking stress seriously by recognizing how it affects out minds and bodies, our emotions and our energy.

Your Body Will  Tell You When It’s Stressed…

If you fill your life with stressors like overly strenuous workouts or tight assignment deadlines, you will feel it in your body. We are all hoarders of stress, tension, distortion, and delusion in that sense, and over time, that stress builds up in our tissues and distorts our structure and causes chronic pain and illness.

Less stress is better than more stress, but to achieve permanent freedom from chronic pain or stiffness, you must fully address and eliminate the underlying causes of your unresolved stress.

Where there is pain there is no flow; where there is no flow, pain is sure to follow.

These symptoms are informing you that you’re highly stressed. If you have two or more of these symptoms on a semi-regular basis, it’s time to reduce your lifetime accumulated stress load before you end up in a complex state of dis-ease.

Physical/Energetic Stress

  • Headache
  • Poor sleep
  • Insomnia
  • Bloating
  • Foggy mind
  • Poor memory
  • Low back stiffness/discomfort
  • Neck stiffness/discomfort
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Low energy
  • Nightmares
  • Poor or excessive appetite
  • Lack of motivation
  • Poor digestion
  • Physical injury
  • Teeth grinding
  • Jaw clenching
  • Poor hearing
  • Decreased vision

Mental/Emotional Stress

  • Low Self-Esteem
  • Inability to complete tasks or projects
  • Disorganized/procrastination
  • Self-defeating behavior
  • Anger/frustration/agitation/irritation
  • Fearful
  • Anxious
  • self-righteous
  • laziness
  • Depression/hopelessness
  • Repression
  • Irrational fear
  • Avoidance
  • Self-sacrifice
  • Close-minded
  • Feeling stuck
  • Need for caffeine/alcohol/cigarettes
  • Addiction
  • Complicated romantic relationships
  • Complicated family relationships

Recalibrate form the ground up…

To get healthy, you need to recalibrate from the ground up and address your stress. That means finding the root cause of your stress and dealing with it emotionally, energetically, mentally, and physically. If you don’t address the root cause, you’ll only be addressing the surface-level signs, leaving you trapped in a cycle of pain and temporary solutions. Even if you stress hasn’t manifested physically yet, you’re carrying a ticking time bomb. Only by identifying the cause of your stress, confronting it, listening to your body, and breaking free from your patterns of fear can you achieve true health and wellness.

Here are Just a Few of the Lessons I Cover in this Book…

Just because you are fit doesn’t mean you are healthy.

Whatever’s going on in your body is going on in your life.

Either you are stressed, tense and distorted or you’re not.

Your success doesn’t mean you’ve escaped the bullsh*t everyone else has.

Do you want to do, or do you want to be?

Intelligence is one’s ability to manipulate their environment to product the result that they want to experience.

You have to focus on developing your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and environmental intelligence.

The greatest gift that we can give someone is to teach them how to access freedom from the inside out.

Little force, little change. No force, no change. Big force, big change .

To take an action, you have to physically move.

True integration begins when we become vulnerable.

Questions to Ask Yourself

Will you allow the underdeveloped aspect of your intelligence to keep your inherent genius from flourishing and experiencing the success you crave?
Are you aware that STRESS impedes the natural growth process and limits access to higher forms of intelligence?
Are you aware that STRESS – physical, mental, emotional, environmental, or spiritual – is stored in the body until it is removed?
Are you aware of the full impact that the STRESS and STRUGGLE in your daily life are having on your potential?
The most important question to ask yourself is… “Do I want to continue to devolve -or- Would I rather evolve?”

Bring Us Your Stress

Bring us your exhaustion, your stress, your discomfort, your anxiety, your scarcity and your desire to break free…
Transform the limitations that keep you from expressing the fullness of your abundant nature.
Enter in earnest, and lift your lamp up to the Golden door.

Christopher Lee Maher

Founder, True Body Intelligence®

Christopher Lee Maher, a former Navy SEAL and Olympic hopeful, discovered the detrimental effects of accumulated stress on his health despite being physically fit. He dedicated years to research and develop True Body Intelligence (TBI), a comprehensive system that integrates and heals the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of individuals. With a client base ranging from sports to international politics, Christopher’s practice in Los Angeles focuses on holistic well-being and longevity. Learn more about Christopher

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