8 Stepping Stones To Inner Freedom

This is an 8-module Audio Course that you can experience at your own pace, from the comfort of home or anywhere it’s convenient.

This program is designed to help you downshift out of struggle, strife, and suffering and upgrade into the life that was meant for you, through the perpetual experience of ease, grace, love, and gratitude that leads to effortless manifestation.

You are a pure reflection of source’s love and light.

But, if that’s the case, why can’t you feel the depth of love that surrounds you?
Why, instead, do you feel feelings of anxiety, anger, loneliness, exhaustion, and fear?

Without inner freedom, it’s not possible to experience true, divine love.

Less freedom = more fear.
More freedom = more love.

Your ability to access the depth of love awaiting you is relative to your access to inner freedom. Without inner freedom, you’ll ultimately feel obligation, and manipulation where you should instead feel love.

The negative impact of your unresolved lifetime accumulated stress load affects every aspect of your life; even your identity itself. Wrapped up in your identity are the false aspects of you that you hold up for the world to see, to prove that you have value.

Who you truly are deep beneath all the unresolved generational, cultural, familial, communal, and individual stress, tension, toxicity, and distortion that keep you stuck in survival mode.

There is no glory in struggle, strife, or suffering.

Let inner freedom be your champion, leading you to a consistent state of peace, kindness, satisfaction, abundance, happiness, clarify, fearlessness, and joy.

At True Body Intelligence, we’ve created a pattern interrupt that will change your trajectory and enable you to come into your true power.


Are you ready to free yourself from feelings of anxiety, anger, loneliness, exhaustion, and fear?

This Course Is For You If You Experience:

  • Daily struggle and strife
  • Being stressed or tense regularly
  • Feeling uninspired, alone, or disconnected
  • Frustration or resentment on a regular basis
  • Controlling, contained, conditional love
  • Inconsistent sleep patterns
  • Complicated, unfulfilling, drama-filled relationships
  • Self-sacrificing tendencies
  • Harsh self criticism
  • Feelings of anxiousness or sadness
  • Difficulty defining boundaries

What’s Included in the Course:

8 Stepping Stones to Inner Freedom is made up of 8 Audio Modules, each 60-90 minutes in length, and an accompanying Workbook, which includes specific exercises for each module and transformative meditations called Body of Light to assist you through the process and enable you to experience the greatest amount of change in your life. Once you sign up for the course, you’ll gain access to all of the course materials through the True Body Intelligence exclusive membership web portal.

Module 1: Welcome Back to You
Move away from who you think you are, as a reflection of what you’ve achieved, into who it is you really are at your core.

Module 2: Cultivating Internal and External Honesty
Disrupt the patterns of fear that have become so ingrained, hold them to the light, and begin to embrace the courage of transformation.

Module 3: Daily Drugs
Grounded in your thoughts and nervous system, at ease in the present moment, you begin releasing tension from the physical body, your energy starts flowing freely and abundantly, and your mind will naturally quiet, calm itself, and slow down.

Module 4: Self Love
Shift from conditional states of love into unconditional states of love so that you may reach the next elevated station of consciousness and connection.

Module 5: Stress, Trauma, and Strauma
Walk back the blunt force of trauma and stress in order to transmute the thick, heavy, accumulated traumatic energy from your system so that you may begin to live as your authentic self.

Module 6: Everyday Stress
Bring forth the major blockages of everyday stress that impact your ability to connect more deliberately, consciously, and blissfully to yourself and your surroundings.

Module 7: Sex, Sensuality, and Polarity
Peel away layers of sexual stress and trauma that keep you from living the buoyant, blissful, innate state of being that you’re beginning to uncover.

Module 8: Deeper Integration
A very powerful process for clearing all the stagnant energy we carry and have accumulated in our chakras so that you may bring calm, peace, and centeredness everywhere you go and transfer it into everything you do.

After Completing the Course, You’ll Have the
Tools to Experience:

  • More ease, grace, and effortless action
  • Feeling calm, cool, and collected, and yet warm-hearted
  • Inspiration, passion, and openness
  • Life with an abundance mindset
  • Unconditional love and connection
  • Consistent, restful sleep patterns
  • Satisfying, peaceful, love-filled relationships
  • Easy, authentic self expression
  • A clear mind and gentle inner critic
  • Transparent, defined boundaries
  • Consistent, abundant amounts of energy
  • Elevated self worth

Are you ready to free yourself from feelings of anxiety, anger, loneliness, exhaustion, and fear?

Take the first steps toward attaining inner freedom and experience the ease, grace, love, and gratitude that are your birthright.

“The program outlined in the 8 Stepping Stones is truly deep, innate transformative work. Every day you peel back the layers and layers of conditioning that simply get in the way of us living our best life. It’s simple, direct, and deeply intuitive. After doing the work, I feel lighter, stronger, and more in tune with the deep authenticity that pervades who I am as a being. I gain more flow in my day to day, and emotional pains are being lifted from my heart as I get in alignment with the right people and opportunities meant for me. I’m truly grateful for the work and can’t wait to see where it takes me from here!”

~ Victoria Jahns

About Christopher Lee Maher, Founder, True Body Intelligence®

At the age of 22, Christopher Lee Maher was a Navy SEAL in his prime with a sleek 1.8% body fat and pound for pound, he was one of the fittest people on the planet. He was also completely unaware of the full impact that stress would eventually have on his physical, mental, energetic, and emotional wellbeing.

He trained all day long at a level on par with professional athletes. In fact, after the SEALs, he began focusing on his dream of making it to the US Olympic trials in track and field. A lack of awareness of the impact of high stored stress loads kept him from ever manifesting his dream.

The paradox is that Christopher’s internal health was compromised and he didn’t even know it.

Like many high performing athletes, he dealt with pain on a semi-consistent basis. Over time, that escalated to pain in every joint, in his feet, lower back, and neck. He was headed for a full-blown hip replacement, resorted to reading lips because his hearing was shot, and his vision wasn’t much better. He barely slept and spent his days like a zombie.

How could a person in peak condition be so unhealthy, and yet, so unaware, particularly when others saw him as a model of peak physical health?

In an effort to reach the root of piled-up stress that led to severe and traumatic damage over time, Christopher studied at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine and Yo San University where he learned Traditional Chinese Medical Practices and an equal amount of Western science and pathology. He has spent the last decade studying at The Universal Healing Tao System and is a Master student of Grand Master Mantak Chia at the Universal Tao Master School in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He is currently pursuing his masters and doctoral degrees in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

From his own relentless search to evolve and heal himself, he now innately understands the correlation between the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of a being.

His knowledge and experience led him to develop a comprehensive system of total physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing and integration: the True Body Intelligence technology.

Are you ready to free yourself from feelings of anxiety, anger, loneliness, exhaustion, and fear? And transform those feelings into feelings of excitement, love, connection, energy, and fearlessness?

Take the first steps toward attaining inner freedom and experience the ease, grace, love, and gratitude that are your birthright.